bachelor designs
Design Studio 1
This is my first design as an architecture student. The assignment consisted of translating the floor plan of the first floor of villa shodan (designed by Le Corbusier) into its own 3D interpretation. A text with a description of a Roman villa on the sea was also attached to the floor plan, certain elements described in the text are reused in the design.
Design Studio 2
My second design is starting from 10 `references`. The main references are the golden spiral and the triangles. This choice led to a house where everything is supported by the outer construction and an inside where there are no inner walls present. Instead of traditional interior walls, the spaces are emphasised on the basis of a difference in height.
Design Studio 3
This design took place at the Veergrep site in Ghent. The assignment consisted of providing a house on the street side of the park. However, I opted to involve the entire park and create a kind of hill. This made it possible to create an atrium where the local residents could organise concerts and theatre. The house and a cafe were then hidden under the hill with direct access to the Leie. This creates a project for the entire neighborhood rather than just the residents of the house.
Design Studio 4
For this assignment I started from the analysis of the structure of an old mushroom factory located in Roeselare. After this research, I chose the old military airstrip in Moorsele as my location to develop a project. The hobby aviation club now using this site currently stores their only aircraft in the open air. 
After an investigation of the area, the idea came to use the steel structure I had seen at the mushroom factory as a basis. A sail is then stretched over this base. In this way, the hangar takes the typology of the sails linked to what farmers use in the area to store beets and potatoes. Because of this, the hanger blends in with its surroundings and requires less attention in the landscape.
Design Studio 5
For the design assignment called movement (better known as the fire drill) we had to start from the analysis of a known house. In my case this was Carlo Scarpa's casa tabarelli. After this analysis, a fragment had to be made that contains everything you had learned from the house and the architect's designs. 
In the exercise I needed to implement that fragment into the remains of the same house after a fire incident. The design ended with a ruin of the remaining concrete construction, on which a new roof was installed using the wooden knots designed in the fragment.