Blindsight is my second installation with picture tubes in which we use my own developed technology based on processing and picture tubes.
I developed this project together with Kaufang Na Nakhon, Francessco Feccia, Siyu Wang and Emmy Valckenier. We start from the sound of spaces also known as reverbs. After researching reverbs, we discovered that this is also how a small percentage of blind people can perceive spaces through sound. After recording various echoes in the building, we placed these in a software to play live voice recordings with the recorded echo.
This way it was possible to change the echo of a room with the help of some sliders to the echo of another room in the building. The installation was placed in a dark room and depending on the settings of the sliders, the room was switched to other sound perspective. When people make noise in the dark room, a projection appears with a suggestive image of the recorded spaces. In this way it is possible to let people experience the world through the eyes of a blind person.