Linked was my bachelor thesis and starts from the references Alfred Latour and Katsura imperial villa. From these references a model was created based on a painting by Latour translated into 3D using the building principles of Katsura.
This gave rise to the idea of basing the entire building on the standard size of a plywood sheet, 1m22 by 2m44. The complete structure is constructed as a window frame, alternating between glass and the wall structure of plywood and trespa. This makes it possible for the residents to repair the problems in the building themselves in an inexpensive way.
One side of the project is inhabited by refugees, the other side contains safehouses. Uses sliding walls is providing a sense of security. The inner garden is open to the neighborhood and offers the refugees an opportunity to share their culture. A drainage system has been provided over the entire design. It ensures that the final built-up area has a drainage percentage greater than the paved surface and it gives a calming sound effect to the project.